More than 24,000 companies rely on Cisco Umbrella to protect their users from online threats. No doubt, it can be a valuable protection to have in place. But, like most enterprise-wide solutions, the effectiveness of the tool is dependent on how well it has been implemented and optimized for your environment and organization. Even more worrisome, if the tool was purchased but not properly or fully deployed, or circumstances have changed since initial deployment, it isn’t delivering the protection you might think.
An Umbrella Health Check not only validates the protection in place, but also provides prioritized recommendations so you can get full value from your Umbrella investment.
What is Cisco Umbrella?
Cisco Umbrella is cloud-delivered enterprise network security software. By combining multiple security functions into a single solution, Umbrella provides a flexible, fast, and effective first line of defense against cyber threats. Simply put, it enables you to secure your organization’s network and users anywhere they work. The solution features DNS-layer security, secure web gateway, cloud access security broker, interactive threat intel and, (in some packages) cloud-delivered firewall.
How Does an Umbrella Health Check Work?
GMI’s experts evaluate the current health, architecture, design, network infrastructure, and supporting documentation associated with your Umbrella deployment against industry and experience-based best practices. Starting with a discovery phase, we confirm the scope and goals of the implementation. We review license entitlements, any design documentation, and assess the current state of the deployment, including client versions and policies. Finally, GMI compiles a report summarizing the findings that includes a roadmap to remediate client version concerns, review of events and security settings, and both prioritized and detailed recommendations to improve the effectiveness of Umbrella in your environment.
Why GMI?
We are dedicated experts. We help organizations with security architecture and the deployment and optimization of security tools every day, including Cisco Umbrella and other Cisco technologies. Our customers benefit from not just our expertise, but our ability to apply all we’ve learned to improve security within their particular organization.